Vigtigste fordele:
➤ Kan bruges overalt, hjemme eller i fitnesscentret
➤ Højkvalitets stofmateriale, knækker ikke eller går i stykker
➤ Fås i 3 forskellige modstande, let, medium, tung
➤ Designet til at øge arbejdsbelastningen på glutes
➤ Aktiverer flere muskelfibre, hvilket fører til større muskelvækst
➤ Opbyg styrke
Disse booty bands er perfekte til alle, der ønsker at tone op, opbygge muskler og få den strand, sommer krop.
Med en bred vifte af øvelser til rådighed, er disse modstandsbånd et must, når det kommer til at opbygge muskler.
Du kan udføre øvelserne (som findes i hæftet) i fitnesscentret eller i ro og mag i dit eget hjem.
Fit-Tech Booty Bands™ kommer med en taske, der giver dig mulighed for at tage dem med stort set overalt!
Hvilket band skal du med i dag, Light, Medium eller Heavy?
Modstandsbånd er en utrolig måde at opbygge glutes, quadriceps og hamstrings på. De giver ekstra modstand, som hjælper dig med at målrette musklen bedre, de er inkorporering i en bevægelse, som samtidig giver dig mulighed for at udføre to bevægelsesmønstre i løbet af en øvelse. Et eksempel ville være et hoftestød, mens du udfører et hoftestød med båndet, udfører du selve hoftestødet, hvilket forårsager stress på glutes, mens du også udfører en abduktionsbevægelse for at presse mod båndet. Dette tillader større muskelaktivering i én bevægelse og fører derfor til stor muskelhypertrofi.
How Do They Work?
Power Hooks take the strain off your hands and arms during pulling exercises, letting you lift heavier, do more reps, and isolate target muscles.
🔹 Hook onto bars, dumbbells & machines
🔹 Eliminate grip fatigue
🔹 Maximize back & pulling workouts
Stop letting grip strength limit your gains, push your workouts further with Fit-Tech Power Hooks!
How Do They Work?
Think of Power Hooks as your secret weapon in the gym. They take the strain off your grip so your hands don’t give out before your muscles do.
Just wrap the strap around your wrist, hook onto the weight, and lift, no squeezing, no slipping, just pure strength. Focus on toning your back, glutes, and arms while keeping your hands and nails protected 💪💅
Will This Affect My Grip Strength?
Power Hooks eliminate grip fatigue, allowing you to fully engage your target muscles without limitation. While they don’t directly build grip strength, they won’t reduce it either, you’ll continue developing grip strength through other exercises where the hooks aren’t needed.
Yes! Power Hooks take the stress off your wrists and joints when lifting, allowing you to train through injuries or weaknesses without pain💪
No, that's the beauty of them, Power Hooks are designed for comfort and protection, with padded neoprene straps that cushion your wrists and prevent pressure on your hands. They eliminate the need for a tight grip, reducing calluses and most importantly keeping your nails pretty!💅
Will This Affect My Grip Strength?
Power Hooks let you build upper body strength without grip fatigue holding you back. Designed for women who want to lift heavier, feel stronger, and see real progress, without worrying about small hands or weak grip giving out first.
No, they won’t weaken your grip! 🚫
Power Hooks remove grip as the limiting factor, so your back, biceps, legs and glutes get the full activation they need to grow. You'll still develop grip strength naturally through other movements, but now, you’ll lift with confidence, hit your strength goals and keep your hands and nails pretty 💅
Size Guide
The main difference between the Men's and Women's Power Hooks is the distance from the strap to the top of the hook, the strap is smaller and still adjustable and therefore will cater to smaller hands. The hook itself is the same size and diameter because it needs to fit on to regular sized barbells and dumbbells that you will find in gyms universally.

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